MBS Packaged loans GAAP software

Financial Data Support Systems, Inc.
Software products:
Loan Files: FASB for originated, purchased loans
  MBS loan Packages premiums, discounts amortization
MCA Merchant Cash Advance discounts
FASB 91: All products
Bond  Purchasers, premiums and discounts amortization
Bond  Issuers, premiums and discounts amortization
Corporate Debt  Issuers GAAP costs amortization
Prepaid Expenses, Deferred Charges amortization
Deferred Income, Unearned Revenue amortization
Fixed Assets, FF&E Straight Line depreciation    
Client Files: Prepaids, Fixed Assets, Deferred Income  
4+4+5, daily, weekly, any date-to-date amortization
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Hard to find GAAP recognition software     •     PC, laptop, work station, shared network or cloud based system     •     Windows 7,10,11

MBS, GNMA, LSBO, CMOs, other pooled and packaged loans

GAAP premium, discount amortization software

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Loan Packages:  FASB, GAAP Effective interest method software for
MBS, GNMA, LSBO, CMOs, other pooled and packaged loans
Premium, discount and other deferred fees amortization, NPV calculations for:
     Purchasers and  Seller Servicers

GAAP accounting amortization and reporting for dozens, hundreds of
loan packages at the same time

     •  Effective interest rate calculation
     •  Premium/Fee Expense amortization
     •  Discount/Fee Income accretion
     •  General ledger reports and monthly postings
     •  Auditing tools
     •  Excel file to maintain your records and easily update principal balances on a monthly basis

Excel file
The software comes with an Excel template formatted to accept data regardming your instruments.
Convert existing records and maintain current book value.
Add new records at any time.

An ideal solution for
     •  MBS portfolio
     •  GNMAs, Fannie Maes, ABMs, CMOs, other pools and packaged loans
     •  LSBO
               Whole loan packages
     •  Syndicated loans
     •  Non-conforming individual loans
     •  Other premium and discount investments with structured or fluctuating payback


Your Existing Deferral Balances
     •  The software can amortize premiums and discounts from original dates.
     •  Or, if you have been amortizing premiums and discounts using another procedure,
         the software can preserve your current deferral balances and amortize them forward.

Changes during term
Initial Effective Interest Rate calculations and amortization supporting changes during term:
     Effective interest rate recalculation and
     NPV (book value) adjustment arising from a
          Decrease to Par Principal balance - typically due to monthly remittance
          Increase to Par Principal balance - typically due to an advance, fulfillment
          Increase to Discount Fee Income or Premium Fee Expense
          Rate change
          Term/Maturity Date change


  Price page and free demo  ....

Price page and free demo
Click to open and view Price page which has a link to download a free demo zip file at any time.
The free demo includes:
     •  A live version of the software
     •  Sample records
     •  Ability to run all reports

For more information, please contact us.

Call 1-800-245-8444 or email Support@fdssi.com

FASB discount and premium effective interest method amortization
 Software for Windows® on a computer, laptop, shared network and cloud based systems
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