Fixed Assets Straight Line Depreciation Software
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  Fixed Assets, FF&E straight line depreciation
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Fixed Assets, FF&E Straight Line Depreciation Software

Allocate monthly expense for selected records:
      Split/distribute to multiple accounts, branches, departments, cost centers using
      one or more user defined allocation methods.

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Fixed Assets, FF&E Straight Line Depreciation Software

Generate a complete set of monthly reports in minutes ....
    1)  Depreciation expense for all records at the same time
    2)  Subsidiary ledger report with general ledger subtotals
    3)  Split, allocate expense to multiple general ledger accounts
    4  Journal Voucher debit, credit column posting source document
    5)  Posting file to update your general ledger using Excel or disk file

Fixed Assets
Leasehold improvements
Vehicles, accessories
Buildings, structures
Computers, networks
Security systems
Tools, machinery
Upgrade costs
Prepaid rentals
Parking area, facilities
Durable office goods
Below threshold items
Other tangible property

 Meets requirements for
               Record keeping, straight line depreciation schedules, subsidiary ledger, journal voucher, annual recap and more.
               Many of our clients are CPA firms importing client records from Excel to prepare monthly financial accounting reports.
     SOX - Sarbanes Oxley
               History archiving electronically preserves all reports for recall at any future date.

Available as
               Monthly depreciation and reports which satisfy the need of most clients.
               For clients requiring one or more specific functions such as allocating depreciation expense to multiple branches.

Existing records
     Import and convert records in Excel.
     Preserve current Book Values.

General Ledger Posting Files for ANY general ledger system using ANY chart of accounts
Posting transactions can consist of:
     1)  Expense debits and Fixed Assets offset credits are subtotal amounts for each general ledger account.

     2)  Expense debits are for EACH Fixed Assets record.  Offset credits are subtotal amounts for each general ledger account.

     3)  Expense debits are for EACH Fixed Assets record.  Offset credit for EACH record.

Supports ANY general ledger import format:
       Multiple columns.  Dots.  Dashes.  Split values.  Leading zeroes.  Trailing zeroes.  Disk file.
       Worksheet.  D/C.  Signed.  (Credits).  Fixed length.  Excel.  Tab delimited.
       Split general ledger account numbers into multiple columns.
       Branches.  Departments.  Divisions.  Types.  Codes.  Other user defined requirements.  
       Expense distribution, splits, allocation to multiple general ledger accounts.  
       We provide or create ANY format suitable for suitable for updating ANY general ledger system.

Allocate (distribute) monthly expense
     •  Allocate one or more selected records
     •  Distribute depreciation expense for one or more records to multiple branch, cost center accounts
     •  Use one or multiple allocation methods


Basic System consists of these features

Straight line depreciation and monthly reporting.

Add records in any order.
     Sort list by any column value

Book values.
     Preserve current book values or
     Software can calculate records current from original begin dates

New record:
     Capture prior months expense if set up late
     Defer depreciating to a future "in service" future month

Adjustment screen with single step entry to:
     Increase cost, such as additional charges during term
     Decrease cost, such as partial refund during term
     Change remaining term
     Write-off this month

Edit other values at any time.

Delete old records:
     Sort by book value
     Delete 0.00 book values in a single step

Terms of 1 to 999 months at the record level:
     Monthly or
     Date-to-date with partial days in first and last months

Calculation methods supported at the record level:
     Straight line 30 day financial months
     Half month convention
     Date to date actual calendar days, including half month convention
     Accelerated sum of the years digits (rule of 78's for any term)

Immediate depreciation schedule while adding or editing a record.

"2 click" monthly reporting.
     Generate a report stream with two clicks of the mouse
     No monthly close out required.

General ledger subsidiary ledger trial balance:
     Records sorted and grouped by general ledger accounts
     Separate totals for salvage value

Debit and credit Journal Voucher postings
     General ledger subtotal level or
     Individual posting for each record

Supports any chart of accounts:
     General ledger base accounts, branch, department and cost centers ....

Calculations for future time periods

New records report
     Additions for any time period, such as year to date, grouped by general ledger account

Review date
     Automatic Review/Maturity date calculation with tickler report

MySubtotals report
    Group and subtotal records by any field value

     Create selective reports using field and date filters


Modular pricing.
Add one or more of these available features ....

Import records from Excel and other spreadsheets
Automatically add records from another source to the software.
     Import dozens, hundreds or thousands of records.
     The software verifies data values are of a correct format and lists any data errors (an invalid date, for example).
     The software automatically calculates a maturity/review/tickler file reporting date.
     Current accumulated and book value for existing records can be preserved or calculated by the system.

Our clients use the import feature in a variety of ways.
     Some maintain all records in a spreadsheet and always import their entire file for accounting reports.
     Many converted all their spreadsheet records and now use the Editing screen to enter new and edit records.
     Some converted and now add (append) new records to the software, such as on a monthly basis.
          New records come to them in a file(s):
               Created at branch sites.
               From their Accounts Payable (A/P) department.

Upload posting file with journal entries to update the general ledger
Creation of a General ledger upload posting file.

File output
     Disk file plus
     Output display with ability to copy posting file columns and paste to Excel

Posting transactions can consist of
     Individual records or
     Subtotals at the general ledger account number summary level

The system comes with a standard 4 column upload format in both a disk file and for exporting to Excel.
     If a format is not already supported, we will create a format to update ANY general ledger system.  At no charge.

Additional Reporting
Type, Vendor, Location and Link fields for user defined values

     Create and retain user defined sort and subtotal values

Description files:
     General ledger account names, Type codes, Location codes, Vendor code names

     Copy reports, paste to Excel and other spreadsheets
     Format and automatically populate Excel with reports
     Format and automatically populate Adobe .pdf file

     Maintain and report individual record notes

     Graph field values
     View graph. Print. Copy data, paste to Excel and insert graph.

History Archive - Retrieve any report from any prior month
Monthly depreciation and field change activity for each record

General ledger account posting
     History Audit Reports: Changes and Postings
     Trial Balance and other reports created from a History month file

Posting History Report - [R] Reconciliation Columns

Notes History
     View and report notes for records as they existed as of the History/archived month

Edit records using Excel
Records are normally edited using the software's setup/edit screen, either one record at a time or in sequential order.
The editing screen:
          Performs data value testing
          Displays an immediate depreciation schedule.

But there may be times when you'd prefer to use Excel.

This 3 step procedure allows you to:
     1) Copy the master file to a spreadsheet, such as Excel.

     2) Edit records using all of the spreadsheet functions.
               Edit records
               Add records
               Delete records
               Fill down
               Other Excel capabilities

     3) Copy records from the spreadsheet and paste back to/as the revised master file.
               The software verifies all data values and relationships, such as dates, are valid and compatible.

Allocate depreciation expense
Distribute one or more general ledger posting amounts to multiple branch, cost, revenue and other centers using one or more Allocation Methods maintained in the software.

You assign each Method a name that is meaningful to you, perhaps "SQ" to mean the Allocation Method is based on the amount of square feet occupied by a department.
Or "EMP" to allocate using the number of employees in each branch.

Each Method contains your chart of account branch numbers (or cost/revenue center numbers or ....) along with the number of units each contains, such as square feet, employee count and even your own assigned percentage. Any type of numerical values. To allocate a record, merely replace the branch portion of a general ledger account number with the Method name. The system will calculate the percentage being allocated to each branch based on number of units and create multiple posting records, each for smaller amounts that add up to the original.

User defined Alternative Recognition Methods
Consumption, Prepaid Services, Inventory Reduction, Subscriptions plus these additional recognition frequencies:
     •  Bi-monthly
     •  Quarterly
     •  Tri-annual
     •  Semi-annual
     •  Annual
     •  Irregular frequencies (e.g. take 20% in months 1 and 2, then nothing for 6 months, then 40% and 20%)
     •  Pre-determined amounts (e.g. take $10,000 in month 1, then $5,000 and then $2,000 for the rest of the year)
The system can recognize Cost based upon a count of Total Units reduced by Monthly units which are used or consumed in a given month.

Total Units might represent:
● Percent, where Total Units = 100
     Monthly Units are the percent of Cost to recognize in each month.
● Prepaid service, where Total Units might = Hours (such as 650 prepaid professional services)
     Monthly Units are the number of hours utilized or consumed.
     When the record is first entered to the system, "hours utilized" are likely to be unknown.
     Simply enter zero for Month1 Units. As "hours utilized" become known, enter the hours into the appropriate Monthly Units category.
● Inventory, where Total Units = Inventory Count (such as 2,950 widgets)
     Monthly Units are the count of inventory items removed.
     Inventory can refer to any physical count, including office supplies, such as prepaid ink cartridges and other expensive items retaining a value.
● Dollar amounts, where Total Units might = Cost
     Monthly Units are specific dollar amounts to recognize each month.
● Virtually any other type of numerical Units.

Monthly Units - Positive, negative or zero
•  Positive, to reduce Total Units remaining.
•  Negative, to increase Total Units remaining (typically to correct an error or return).
     When Monthly Units are negative:
          Remaining Units will be increased.
          Depreciation for the month will be negative.
•  0, meaning zero units were used in a month. No Depreciation will be recognized.
     Zero Monthly Units also allow Depreciation to be recognized other than monthly.
          Use zero Monthly Units to "skip" months, thus accommodating Quarterly, Bi-Monthly and other Depreciation frequencies.

  Price page and free demo  ....

Price Page with free demo
Click to open and view Price page which has a link to download a free demo zip file at any time.
     Free demo includes:
     •  A live version of the software
     •  Sample records
     •  Ability to run all reports

     Questions about your needs?
          Call 1-800-245-8444 or email

Administrative reports

     New records: List new records for the month, Y-T-D and other time periods

     Maturity/Review date:  A tickler file showing records that are nearing the end of their term

     Vendors:  If desired, add vendor name or code and get a list of total cost for each vendor

     Type:  If desired, assign a type code to group records for desired purpose other than expense account

     Link:  If desired, tie records together by a common purpose, such as all IT and other department costs

     Alpha:  Alphabetical listing of records in description order

     Filters:  Alpha and monetary values, dates and date ranges
               Select all records for a report or
               Use one or more filters to only included specific records, such as cost > $1,000.00

     Reconciliation: Beginning balances, new records, amortization, ending balances for month, year

     MySubtotals:  Filter and obtain records and subtotals sorted by selected values on the fly

     MyReports:  Create and retain reports, filters and sorted subtotals you need for repetitive runs

     Records only or Subtotals only:  Run reports with or without individual records for "Totals only" (shorter report)

     Amortization periods:  Expense plus ending book values for 1 month, range of months, entire year

     Columns:  Expense for multiple months, entire year, displayed in multiple monthly columns, past or future

     With reports:
                View on screen
                Send to printer
                Export to Excel
                    A great way to respond to a request from your boss
                    Or export all or filtered records and do whatever reporting you want in Excel
                Export to Adobe

Price ....

Click to open and view Price page which has a link to download a free demo zip file at any time.
     Free demo includes:
     •  A live version of the software
     •  Sample records
     •  Ability to run all reports

Questions? 1-800-245-8444 or

Fixed Assets, FF&E Straight Line Depreciation Software
 Software for Windows® on a computer, laptop, shared network and cloud based systems
© 1995 - 2025 Financial Data Support Systems, Inc.
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