FDSSI Tech Support 
Financial Data Support Systems, Inc.
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Loan Files: FASB, GAAP for originated, purchased loans
MBS loan Packages premiums, discounts amortization
MCA Merchant Cash Advance discounted profits GAAP
FASB 91: All products
Bond Purchasers, premiums and discounts amortization
Bond Issuers, premiums and discounts amortization
Corporate Debt Issuers GAAP costs amortization
Prepaid Expenses, Deferred Charges amortization
Deferred Income, Unearned Revenue amortization
Fixed Assets, FF&E Straight Line depreciation    
Monthly Accounting Reports for Others
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Technical Support Page
Hard to find GAAP
recognition software

Windows 7,10,11 on a
work station,
shared network,
cloud based system



Technical Support FAQs page

Our development platform is Microsoft's highly regarded .NET Framework, thus assuring the software will operate on all current and future Microsoft operating systems installed on a laptop, PC, workstation and shared networks under NT, Win 7, 10 and Windows 11

Screen resolution applicable to Win 7, 10 and 11
Update to the current version of the software to eliminate resolution problems.
Or, click the above link for another way to address a default screen resolution setting of 125% in Win 7 and later versions which can truncate images, distort text and affect other screen displays in ours and many other software programs.

Disabling Windows screen opening, fade-in animation for Win 7, 8 and 10
How to disable (or enable) the fade feature in Win 7 and later versions.
If your software opens and closes many screens, fade-in animation can be distracting.

Most other questions involve the .NET Framework, for which all revisions are supported ....

Can not install or software will not operate (missing .dll file) on C: drive
Is the .NET Framework installed?

Software will not operate on a Network - Assembly security permissions error or can not find applicable NET Framework rev
Have all permissions been assigned?

Printing fails when sent to network printer
Are service packs up to date?

For a question regarding other than the above, please contact us via email at Support@FDSSI.com



 Windows 7 and later screen resolution problem when set to 125%

 Resolution can be set to 100%, 125% and 150% plus other custom choices.

 There are some known issues when resolution is set to 125%
 For many software programs, text and screen objects are not displayed properly.
     100% - No problem
     150% - No problem
     Most custom settings - No problem
     125% - Problem

 We offer 2 solutions -  You might want to do one or both:
     1)  We have modified our software to handle the 125% resolution problem.
          Please contact us regarding an update.  Or if not on maintenance, scroll to the bottom of this page to order an update.

     2)  Win 7 and later versions default to 125% at installation time.  So, you might prefer using 100% (see below image to do so using Control Panel).
           A setting of 100% maximizes the amount of data that can appear on a screen.
           Doing so resolves any problems that might occur with our software and most likely other programs experiencing the same issue.

Win 7 example


Disabling Windows screen opening, fade-in animation

Some people like the fade in animation appearance each time a new screen opens.
For those who don't, here is how to disable (or enable) animation in Win 7 and later versions.

Left image:
1)  Click the Windows Start button (lower left corner of the screen)
2)  In the search box, type:  fade  (just the word "fade" - do not press the enter key.  The next options will appear.)
3)  Click "Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows" to open a dialog window
Right image:
4)  Click and uncheck "Animate Windows when minimizing and maximizing"
If you don't like the results, merely repeat these steps and "check" the box to enable.

Win 7 example for fade animation.
For later versions, such as Win 10, from Settings screen, search:  fade


Executing the software on C: or other local drive produces a Microsoft error message
installing the software produces a "Missing or need to install.NET Framework" message.

Problem: The .NET Framework is not installed on the PC/workstation.

Applicable to Executables: THRIFTYP.exe and THRIFTYF.exe

Virtually all Windows based machines have some version of the .NET Framework installed. Please verify the error is due to the absence of the .NET Framework.

If so, please contact us regarding the revision to download at Support@FDSSI.com


Executing the software on a Network drive produces Microsoft error
"Framework assembly permissions ...." or "Security error...."

Problem: Following installation to a network and, under certain network actions such as overwriting/updating our Executable, moving the software folder or adding/upgrading a workstation, the .NET Framework Assembly permission may need to be set depending upon the .NET Framework revision in use.
Applicable to Executables: THRIFTYP.exe and THRIFTYF.exe

NET Framework 3.5 sp2, 4.0 and later ....
The software was written within Microsoft's Visual Studio and utilizes their NET Framework and should operate in any environment that supports Windows.

If the FDSSI-FL or other named software folder contains a configuration file named:
     THRIFTYP.config.exe or
please contact us at Support@FDSSI.com

If the folder does not contain a config file ....
Occasionally a system crash or "Unable to find runtime ..." error message appears when a client transfers to or upgrades/changes servers, such as 2008 R2, 2012, Citrix shared and others.  The solution has always been tied to administrator permissions.  There may be multiple levels of permissions which need to be set and once all have been assigned, the software performs as intended.

Prior to NET Framework rev 3.5 sp2 ....
Over the years, Microsoft has provided several remedies regarding Assembly permissions they required in order to operate .NET Framework software on a network.
.NET Framework rev 1.0 and 1.1 came with a permission setting Wizard.
Rev 2.0, 3.0 and 3.5 required executing a caspol command at the prompt level.
Rev 3.5 with Service Pack 1, Rev 4.0 and later do away with permissions entirely, a welcome direction which will ultimately make life simpler for everyone.
     Win 7 and later versions are installed with .NET 4.0 and later so permissions are not required and the FAQ4 problem should not occur.

In the meantime, early releases of our software with which Rev 2.0 proved incompatible, .congif files which were installed in order to utilize a Wizard, plus other resident vendor software which might be dependent upon a specific .NET Framework revision need to be addressed.
For a safe and quick solution addressing your specific circumstances,
please contact us at Support@FDSSI.com
Note: A Network license is required to operate our software on a network.
Note: To determine which version(s) and service packs of .NET Framework are installed,
view Settings/Control Panel, Add or Remove Software.


Printing fails when sent to network printer

Problem: If the installed .NET Framework does not contain service pack updates, it may not recognize all printer configurations (this issue typically occurred with earlier Framework Revisions 1.0 and 1.1).

Applicable to Executables: THRIFTYP.exe and THRIFTYF.exe

Solution: There are 2 solutions.

1) Recommended. Obtain the latest service pack update at no charge from Microsoft's download page.

2) Without the service pack update, the problem can be remedied by setting printer properties to use Postscript.

Technical Support for clients who are NOT on Maintenance

If you did not obtain on-going software maintenance or it was not available,
we charge in advance for telephone, email and other support services.

To pay, click the PayPal Pay Now button
(if not a member, select their "pay by credit card" option).
Please include your name and purpose in "Description" and the amount in "Price per item".
We will contact you upon notification by PayPal, which will include your email address and typically takes a few minutes, that your payment has been processed.

Replace, upgrade executable program
If you did not obtain on-going software maintenance when you purchased the software,
the charge is $275.00 to upgrade or replace the executable program.
Please include your name and phone number in the PayPal comments section
so we can contact you upon notification by PayPal to us that your payment has been processed.

FDSSI Tech Support
 Software for Windows® on a computer, laptop, shared network and cloud based systems
© 1995 - 2025 Financial Data Support Systems, Inc.
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